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How My Printer Caused Excessive Syscalls & UDP Traffic

5 Nov 2014

3,000 syscalls a second, on an idle machine? That doesn’t seem right. I just booted this machine. The only processes running are those required to boot the SmartOS Global Zone, which is minimal.

SmartOS # vmstat 1 kthr memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr lf rm s0 s1 in sy cs us sy id 0 0 0 10318200 1975496 2 31 0 0 0 0 2 0 -19858 0 18 3521 3879 2034 0 1 99 0 0 0 9169648 832932 2 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3368 3741 2010 0 0 100 0 0 0 9169512 832796 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3363 3814 2037 0 0 100 0 0 0 9169504 832788 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3591 3854 2456 0 0 99 0 0 0 9169504 832788 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3415 3820 2040 0 0 100 0 0 0 9169504 832788 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3323 3753 2009 0 0 100
Fig. 13,000 syscalls

Well, at least I have DTrace. I can use this one-liner to figure out what syscalls are being made across the entire system.

SmartOS # dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @[probefunc,probename] = count(); }' dtrace: description 'syscall:::entry ' matched 230 probes ^C fstat 1 mmap 1 schedctl 1 sigpending 1 nanosleep 3 pset 3 read 3 sysconfig 3 sigaction 4 sendto 5 brk 6 sigsuspend 9 recvfrom 10 setcontext 10 lwp_park 12 write 15 gtime 18 p_online 256 recvmsg 709 ioctl 1087 pollsys 1436 lwp_sigmask 2876
Fig. 2syscall distribution

Wow! That is a lot of lwp_sigmask calls. Now that I know what is being called, it’s time to find out who is doing the calling? I’ll use another one-liner to show me the most common user stacks invoking lwp_sigmask.

SmartOS # dtrace -n 'syscall::lwp_sigmask:entry { @[ustack()] = count(); }' dtrace: description 'syscall::lwp_sigmask:entry ' matched 1 probe ^C … ouput ellided to save space … libc.so.1`syscall+0x13 libc.so.1`thr_sigsetmask+0x1c2 libc.so.1`sigprocmask+0x52 sshd`collect_children+0x2a sshd`server_loop2+0x1a5 sshd`do_authenticated2+0xe sshd`do_authenticated+0x33 sshd`main+0x14cd sshd`_start+0x83 5 libc.so.1`syscall+0x13 libc.so.1`thr_sigsetmask+0x1c2 libc.so.1`sigprocmask+0x52 mdnsd`mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce+0x122 mdnsd`MainLoop+0xc2 mdnsd`main+0xc3 mdnsd`_start+0x83 900 libc.so.1`syscall+0x13 libc.so.1`thr_sigsetmask+0x1c2 libc.so.1`sigprocmask+0x52 mdnsd`mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce+0x14e mdnsd`MainLoop+0xc2 mdnsd`main+0xc3 mdnsd`_start+0x83 900
Fig. 3most common user stacks

Okay, so this mdnsd code is causing all the trouble. What is the distribution of syscalls for the mdnsd program?

SmartOS # dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry /execname == "mdnsd"/ { @[probefunc] = count(); } tick-1s { exit(0); }' dtrace: description 'syscall:::entry ' matched 231 probes CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME 9 66110 :tick-1s recvmsg 200 pollsys 400 lwp_sigmask 800
Fig. 4mdnsd syscalls in 1s

Lots of signal masking and polling. What the hell! Why is it doing this? What is mdnsd anyways? Is there a man page? I switch tabs to my OmniOS machine because I don’t have the whatis database on my SmartOS Global Zone.

OmniOS $ man -k mdns dns-sd(1m) - Multicast DNS (mDNS) & DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) Test Tool
Fig. 5mdnsd search

I open the dns-sd(1M) manual. It is a tool for probing Multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS Service Discovery. Googling for mdns reveals that it is used for resolving host names in small networks, like my home network. It uses UDP, and requires zero configuration. Nothing obvious to explain why it’s flipping out. I feel helpless. I turn to the only thing I can trust, the code.

static mStatus MainLoop(mDNS *m) // Loop until we quit. { sigset_t signals; mDNSBool gotData = mDNSfalse; mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGINT); mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGTERM); mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGUSR1); mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGPIPE); mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGHUP) ; for (; ;) { // Work out how long we expect to sleep before the next scheduled task struct timeval timeout; mDNSs32 ticks; // Only idle if we didn't find any data the last time around if (!gotData) { mDNSs32 nextTimerEvent = mDNS_Execute(m); nextTimerEvent = udsserver_idle(nextTimerEvent); ticks = nextTimerEvent - mDNS_TimeNow(m); if (ticks < 1) ticks = 1; } else // otherwise call EventLoop again with 0 timemout ticks = 0; timeout.tv_sec = ticks / mDNSPlatformOneSecond; timeout.tv_usec = (ticks % mDNSPlatformOneSecond) * 1000000 / mDNSPlatformOneSecond; (void) mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce(m, &timeout, &signals, &gotData); if (sigismember(&signals, SIGHUP )) Reconfigure(m); if (sigismember(&signals, SIGUSR1)) DumpStateLog(m); // SIGPIPE happens when we try to write to a dead client; death should be detected soon in request_callback() and cleaned up. if (sigismember(&signals, SIGPIPE)) LogMsg("Received SIGPIPE - ignoring"); if (sigismember(&signals, SIGINT) || sigismember(&signals, SIGTERM)) break; } return EINTR; }
Fig. 6mdnsd main loop

Woah boy, this is some messy looking code. This would not pass illumos cstyle checks. Turns out this is code from Darwin—the kernel of OSX. That explains the references to Safari and Bonjour in the dns-sd(1M) page. I move on.

From the previous stack trace, I know that mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce is the hot function. It consists of a tight loop, running until a SIGINT or SIGTERM is sent. There is a timeout variable passed to this function. I bet that has something to do with my problem. What is the distribution of values for this variable?

SmartOS # dtrace -p 2129 -n 'pid$target::mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce:entry { self->tv = (struct timeval*)copyin(arg1, sizeof(void*)); @[self->tv->tv_sec, self->tv->tv_usec] = count(); } tick-1s { exit(0); }' dtrace: description 'pid$target::mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce:entry ' matched 2 probes CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME 6 66110 :tick-1s 4290771112951812 0 1 5 0 196 0 0 261
Fig. 7timeout values

What the fuck is 4290771112951812 all about? Is that a bug in the code? I dunno, but it’s not my concern right now. I’m having the opposite problem, no sleeping at all. The output indicates a fairly even split between a timeout of 0 and 5 seconds. I go back and study the code for a minute, coming away with two observations.

  1. The timeout is set 0 when gotData is true.

  2. Even when timeout is set to 5 seconds the call returns immediately. It couldn’t run over 400 times a second otherwise.

I’m going to have to look at the code for mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce to figure this one out.

// Do a single pass through the attendent event sources and dispatch any found to their callbacks. // Return as soon as internal timeout expires, or a signal we're listening for is received. mStatus mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce( mDNS *m, const struct timeval *pTimeout, sigset_t *pSignalsReceived, mDNSBool *pDataDispatched) { fd_set listenFDs = gEventFDs; int fdMax = 0, numReady; struct timeval timeout = *pTimeout; // Include the sockets that are listening to the wire in our select() set mDNSPosixGetFDSet( m, &fdMax, &listenFDs, &timeout); // timeout may get modified if ( fdMax < gMaxFD) fdMax = gMaxFD; numReady = select( fdMax + 1, &listenFDs, (fd_set*) NULL, (fd_set*) NULL, &timeout); // If any data appeared, invoke its callback if ( numReady > 0) { PosixEventSource *iSource; (void) mDNSPosixProcessFDSet( m, &listenFDs); // call this first to process wire data for clients for ( iSource=(PosixEventSource*)gEventSources.Head; iSource; iSource = iSource->Next) { if ( FD_ISSET( iSource->fd, &listenFDs)) { iSource->Callback( iSource->Context); break; // in case callback removed elements from gEventSources } } *pDataDispatched = mDNStrue; } else *pDataDispatched = mDNSfalse; (void) sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &gEventSignalSet, (sigset_t*) NULL); *pSignalsReceived = gEventSignals; sigemptyset( &gEventSignals); (void) sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &gEventSignalSet, (sigset_t*) NULL); return mStatus_NoError; }
Fig. 8mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce

In this function gotData is renamed to pDataDispatched. If select(3C) finds any ready descriptors this flag will be set to true. At the end of the function are the lwp_sigmask (sigprocmask maps to lwp_sigmask) calls that initially caused my investigation.

So MainLoop calls mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce in a tight loop, which is essentially just a select call. This explains the large timeout value, which causes it to act like a blocking read. When passed a timeout of 0, it acts as a poll. The only thing to keep this loop from eating the CPU is passing a non-zero timeout when no data is ready to be read. I already know that is not happening by virtue of the fact that this function is executed hundreds of times a second.

Hmmm…I wonder…I wonder if my MacBook is also experiencing abnormal syscall rates? Nooo, that can’t be it. Why would both my SmartOS server and MacBook both have the same problem? There is no good technical reason to link these two. But, then again, I’m dealing with computers here, and I’ve seen a lot of strange things over the years. I switch to my laptop.

MacBook $ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::: { @[execname] = count(); } tick-1s { exit(0); }' dtrace: description 'syscall::: ' matched 981 probes CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME 4 304653 :tick-1s notifyd 13 syslogd 15 CIJScannerRegis 16 ntpd 16 WindowServer 18 fseventsd 20 dtrace 24 iTerm 98 iTunes 461 coreaudiod 842 Google Chrome 956 discoveryd 1974 Google Chrome H 4884
Fig. 9OSX syscalls

What the hell? I ignore Google Chrome Helper as I’m pretty sure it’s not related. But next in line, discoveryd, looks very suspicious. It doesn’t have mdns in the name, but a) it is making a lot of syscalls, b) the word discovery has a lot to do with DNS and c) it ends in ‘d’, indicating it is probably a daemon. Sure enough, the first google result for “discoveryd” is a thread stating that mDNSResponder was replaced with discoveryd in OSX Yosemite.

Perhaps Yosemite is causing all my pain? I ask my friend Steve Vinoski to run the same DTrace one-liner on his OSX machines. He has both Yosemite and the older Mountain Lion. But, to my dismay, neither of his machines are exhibiting high syscall rates. My search continues.

Not sure what to do next, I open the OSX Activity Monitor. In desperation I click on the Network tab.

Fig. 10OSX, 270 million in-packets

HOLE—E—SHIT! Two-Hundred-and-Seventy Million packets received by discoveryd. Obviously I can stop looking at code and start looking at my network. I hop back onto my SmartOS machine and check network interface statistics.

SmartOS # netstat -i Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue lo0 8232 loopback localhost 115 0 115 0 0 0 e1000g0 1500 XXX.local XXX.local 3420655 0 10303 0 0 0 lo0 8252 localhost localhost 115 0 115 0 0
Fig. 11network interface in-packets

In only a few hours, my idle SmartOS server has received over three million packets. How many packets are coming in every second?

SmartOS # dladm show-link -s -i 1 e1000g0 LINK IPACKETS RBYTES IERRORS OPACKETS OBYTES OERRORS e1000g0 3458412 438890273 0 10362 1787638 0 e1000g0 209 26486 0 2 364 0 e1000g0 209 26486 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 205 25978 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 211 26740 0 1 182 0
Fig. 12in-packets per second

Whatever is causing all this, it is sending about 200 packets a second. At this point, the only thing left to do is actually inspect some of these incoming packets. I run snoop(1M) to collect events on the e1000g0 interface, stopping at about 600 events. Then I view the first 15.

SmartOS # snoop -ri /opt/snoop.out | head -15 … first three events ellided … 4 0.00914 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 5 0.00479 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 6 0.00243 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 7 0.00477 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 8 0.00411 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 9 0.00194 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 10 0.00229 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 11 0.00223 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 12 0.00446 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 13 0.00307 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 14 0.00234 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr 15 0.00385 -> MDNS R A1CA45000000.local. Internet Addr
Fig. 13mDNS packets from

A constant stream of mDNS packets arriving from IP I know that this IP is not any of my computers. The only devices left are my iPhone, AppleTV, and Canon printer.

Wait a minute! The printer! Two days earlier I heard some beeping noises…

Fig. 14my printer aka the bookshelf

I own a Canon PIXMA MG6120 printer. It has a touch interface with a small LCD at the top, used to set various options. Since it sits next to my desk I sometimes lay things on top of it like a book or maybe a plate after I’m done eating. If I lay things in the wrong place it will activate the touch interface and cause repeated pressing. Each press makes a beeping noise. If the object lays there long enough the printer locks up and I have to reboot it. Just such events occurred two days earlier.

I fire up dladm again to monitor incoming packets in realtime. Then I turn to the printer. I move all the crap off of it: two books, an empty plate, and the title for my Suzuki SV650 that I’ve been meaning to sell for the last year. I try to use the touch screen on top of the printer. It’s locked up, as expected. I cut power to the printer and whip my head back to my terminal.

SmartOS # dladm show-link -s -i 5 e1000g0 LINK IPACKETS RBYTES IERRORS OPACKETS OBYTES OERRORS e1000g0 3606738 457696120 0 10868 1870150 0 e1000g0 2023 256738 0 3 473 0 e1000g0 1960 248800 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 1895 240482 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 1867 236910 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 1878 238386 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 552 69801 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 5 392 0 1 182 0 e1000g0 6 456 0 1 182 0
Fig. 15the last of the mDNS packets

I run DTrace again to count syscalls.

SmartOS # dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @[execname] = count(); } tick-1s { exit(0); }' dtrace: description 'syscall:::entry ' matched 231 probes CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME 6 66110 :tick-1s devfsadm 2 ipmon 2 ntpd 6 lldpd 7 dtrace 547
Fig. 16no more sigmask syscalls

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. I laugh, because, LOL computers. There’s some new dumb shit you deal with everyday, better to roll with the punches and laugh. You live longer that way. At least I got to flex my DTrace muscles a bit. In fact, I felt a bit like Brendan Gregg when he was debugging why OSX was dropping keystrokes.

I didn’t bother to root cause why my printer turned into a UDP machine gun. I don’t intend to either. I have better things to do, and if rebooting solves the problem then I’m happy. Besides, I had to get back to what I was trying to do six hours before I started debugging this damn thing.