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1403 Support deferring TCP accept()s

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/cmd-inet/usr.sbin/socket-filter-kssl.xml
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/cmd-inet/usr.sbin/socket-filter-kssl.xml
   1    1  <?xml version="1.0"?>
   2    2  <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">
   3    3  <!--
   4    4          Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
        5 +        Copyright 2012, Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
   5    6  
   7    8  
   8    9   The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   9   10   Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
  10   11   You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  11   12  
  12   13   You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  13   14   or
  14   15   See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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  74   75                  <template>
  75   76                          <common_name>
  76   77                                  <loctext xml:lang='C'>
  77   78                                  kernel SSL socket filter 
  78   79                                  </loctext>
  79   80                          </common_name>
  80   81                          <documentation>
  81   82                                  <manpage title='ksslcfg' section='1M'
  82   83                                      manpath='/usr/share/man' />
  83   84                          </documentation>
       85 +                </template>
       86 +        </instance>
       87 +
       88 +        <instance name='http' enabled='true'>
       89 +                <dependency
       90 +                    name='http-filter-filesystem-root'
       91 +                    grouping='require_all'
       92 +                    restart_on='none'
       93 +                    type='service'>
       94 +                        <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/root' />
       95 +                </dependency>
       96 +
       97 +                <exec_method
       98 +                        type='method'
       99 +                        name='start'
      100 +                        exec='/lib/svc/method/svc-sockfilter start'
      101 +                        timeout_seconds='60' />
      102 +
      103 +                <exec_method
      104 +                        type='method'
      105 +                        name='stop'
      106 +                        exec='/lib/svc/method/svc-sockfilter stop'
      107 +                        timeout_seconds='60' />
      108 +
      109 +                <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
      110 +                        <propval name='duration' type='astring'
      111 +                                value='transient' />
      112 +                </property_group>
      113 +
      114 +                <property_group name='socket-filter' type='framework'>
      115 +                        <propval name='name' type='astring' value='httpfilt' />
      116 +                        <propval name='module_name' type='astring'
      117 +                                value='httpfilt' />
      118 +                        <propval name='attach_semantics' type='astring'
      119 +                                value='prog' />
      120 +                        <propval name='socket_tuples' type='astring'
      121 +                                value='2:2:0,2:2:6,26:2:0,26:2:6' />
      122 +                </property_group>
      123 +
      124 +                <template>
      125 +                        <common_name>
      126 +                                <loctext xml:lang='C'>
      127 +                                kernel inbound HTTP request socket filter
      128 +                                </loctext>
      129 +                        </common_name>
      130 +                        <documentation>
      131 +                                <manpage title='httpfilt' section='7M'
      132 +                                    manpath='/usr/share/man' />
      133 +                        </documentation>
      134 +                </template>
      135 +        </instance>
      136 +
      137 +        <instance name='data' enabled='true'>
      138 +                <dependency
      139 +                    name='data-filter-filesystem-root'
      140 +                    grouping='require_all'
      141 +                    restart_on='none'
      142 +                    type='service'>
      143 +                        <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/root' />
      144 +                </dependency>
      145 +
      146 +                <exec_method
      147 +                        type='method'
      148 +                        name='start'
      149 +                        exec='/lib/svc/method/svc-sockfilter start'
      150 +                        timeout_seconds='60' />
      151 +
      152 +                <exec_method
      153 +                        type='method'
      154 +                        name='stop'
      155 +                        exec='/lib/svc/method/svc-sockfilter stop'
      156 +                        timeout_seconds='60' />
      157 +
      158 +                <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
      159 +                        <propval name='duration' type='astring'
      160 +                                value='transient' />
      161 +                </property_group>
      162 +
      163 +                <property_group name='socket-filter' type='framework'>
      164 +                        <propval name='name' type='astring' value='datafilt' />
      165 +                        <propval name='module_name' type='astring'
      166 +                                value='datafilt' />
      167 +                        <propval name='attach_semantics' type='astring'
      168 +                                value='prog' />
      169 +                        <propval name='socket_tuples' type='astring'
      170 +                                value='2:2:0,2:2:6,26:2:0,26:2:6' />
      171 +                </property_group>
      172 +
      173 +                <template>
      174 +                        <common_name>
      175 +                                <loctext xml:lang='C'>
      176 +                                TCP inbound data socket filter
      177 +                                </loctext>
      178 +                        </common_name>
      179 +                        <documentation>
      180 +                                <manpage title='datafilt' section='7M'
      181 +                                    manpath='/usr/share/man' />
      182 +                        </documentation>
  84  183                  </template>
  85  184          </instance>
  86  185  
  87  186          <stability value='Unstable' />
  88  187  </service>
  89  188  
  90  189  </service_bundle>